laptop and smarttablet showing a module from Activate Your Soul

Welcome Home, Beautiful Being.
It’s time to Create a life that feeds your Soul and supports your unique Purpose…


Activate Your Soul

A 7-week intensive for intuitive creatives, entrepreneurs, and healers who are ready to deepen into the magic of their soul’s unique purpose through chakra medicine, vibrational attunement, and emotional alchemy. 

When we use energetic medicine to heal our energy field from the thoughts, beliefs and programming keeping us out of alignment with our soul’s authentic truth, we are able to attune to our deepest desires and bring them into fruition.

Vibrational magic is here. You can learn how to shift quickly. You can transform your reality quickly. You can heal and grow, and receive quickly, but what you desire has to be true to YOU. In order for you to experience rapid shifts in your reality, you must unlock the necessary energetic signature that’s required to hold that frequency. 

If you struggle with not feeling good enough, overworking, over-giving, and people pleasing behaviors in order to feel safe in the world…

It’s time for you to tune out all the societal expectations and clear out the energetic clutter so you can embody your soul’s highest potential, and build the life you truly desire. 

Inside of Activate Your Soul, we’re building a community of like-hearted individuals who are ready to step into their power, reclaim their sovereignty, and start creating a new reality for themselves. A reality that affirms just how magical life can be when you choose to focus on expressing your soul’s deepest desires. 

During this 7-week embodiment program, you’ll be redesigning your life from the inside out. You’ll be challenged to reflect, take aligned action, and heal the energetic blocks that attempt to stop you from moving forward with your path & vision. 

You’ll have room to explore, experiment and express your Soul’s authentic truth. You’ll have room to practice being authentic, to practice being heard, and most importantly, to practice being seen. 

This is your opportunity to create the change you wish to see in the world, by first creating it within yourself. Activate Your Soul is an invitation to opt out of the mainstream and into your soul-stream. Into your soul’s uniquely divine destiny. And the beauty is you don’t have to do it alone when you join AYS!

It’s time to unlock your unique path to success so you can see just how good your life can get. 

You in?

Does this Sound Like You?

⟶ Burning yourself out to keep up with the masses and societal expectations

⟶ Overwhelmed by indecisiveness and afraid to make a mistake

⟶ Lack the trust and confidence to follow your heart and intuition

⟶ Afraid to take big bold leaps because you don’t want to fail, or seen as failing

What if You Could?

⟶ Gain the confidence to disengage from societal expectations

⟶ Develop the skills to harness your intuitive guidance and decipher their messages 

⟶ Learn to trust yourself and make decisions informed by your intuition (the key to your success)

⟶ Cultivate a mindset of curiosity and determination, knowing every “misstep” is just a stepping stone toward your dream life and purpose


In This Program, you’ll learn

  • the science behind chakra medicine and an in-depth look into the energies of the 7 main chakras

  • how to use chakra medicine to heal blockages and core wounds keeping you stuck in fear-based beliefs that turn into guilt and shame

  • the unique 5-step method I created to process, alchemize, and liberate yourself from emotional triggers

  • how to rebuild your mental landscape to align with your soul’s vision of success and take action

  • develop authentic ways to cultivate a daily practice that honors your soul’s core desires

  • how to identify the limiting beliefs blocking you from trusting yourself and committing to your soul’s unique purpose

  • which intuitive gifts are already available to guide your next big step(s) toward your dreams

  • and so much more!

What’s Included

During this course you’ll learn how to energetically and emotionally heal the obstacles blocking you from embracing your authentic truth.

This process allows you to transform those limiting beliefs to become your greatest allies in embodying your purpose.

So here’s what’s in store when you choose to follow your soul’s unique blueprint…. 

  • 7 Pre-Recorded Lessons on Chakra Medicine + Emotional Alchemy

    • You’ll learn about the foundations of the chakra system. Each week we’ll take an in-depth look at each chakra, from the root chakra up to the crown, in order to understand how the energetics of each center impacts our daily lives. As well as ways to support ourselves in healing and aligning with each chakra.

  • 7 Quiet Co-Creation Sessions w/ Q+A

    • During this two hour session you’ll spend the first 60 minutes completing the weekly lesson from the program. Afterwards, we’ll open the floor for questions. You can choose to stay for the whole session or attend either the Quiet Co-Creation hour or just the Q+A.

  • 7 Group Healing Sessions (w/ replays)

    • There will be a weekly group healing session for each chakra that will guide you in cultivating your own energy healing practice. As old thought forms and beliefs begin to arise you’ll want to clear them out so they are not cycling through your emotional and energetic fields. This process includes calling in more aligned energy to support your chakras.

  • Weekly Assignments + Journal Prompts

    • Commit to doing the work and getting to the root of what’s holding you back from achieving your dreams. Period. 

  • An Intimate Community of Like-Hearted Conscious Creatives

    • Healing in a silo is possible, I’ve done it. But healing in community provides an extra level of momentum, collaboration, and affirmation. 

What my Students Say…

Frequently Asked Questions


What is energetic medicine?

Energetic medicine encompasses a wide range of healing modalities such as yoga, reiki, meditation, and many more. This is work that is done on a subtle level, meaning it’s not always about physical effort, willpower, and hard work. When working with energetics one must be able to go inward to assess and discern the information that is coming through the body in the form of our feelings, beliefs, and thoughts. These are the energetic dynamics that make up our physical reality. The primary energetic modality I use and will be taught in this course is the chakra system. I incorporate other healing modalities as well, but I have continually found that many, if not all energetic healing practices incorporate a solid foundation of working with the chakra system.

How long do you have access to the course?

You will get lifetime access to the course and any updates made in the future. You’re family here and we want you to always have a place to stay and a community to share with in your journey. 

How much is Activate Your Soul? Do you offer payment plans?

The course investment is $1500. However we offer a $250 discount when you pay in full, bringing to total to $1250. We do offer 2 payment plan options to choose from. A bi-weekly payment plan of 4 installments every two weeks, and a monthly option of 2 monthly installments. Please note, a $500 deposit will be due upon sign up to hold your spot for the course.

Do you have to be a creative, entrepreneur, or healer to take this course?

Nope! All interested in joining this program are welcomed. However, this program is ideal for those who have a deep desire to better the world around them by deepening into their soul’s unique medicine. This work is truly about activating and embodying our soul’s greatest potential and living a life that creates more life for ourselves and those who come across our path.

What if I’m not able to attend all the calls live?

No worries! All of the calls will be recorded and uploaded for you to review within 24-48 hours of the live call. Although it is highly recommended to show up live, we understand that there are certain commitments that will not always make that possible.

How do I know this will work for me?

Listen, I get it. You want to make sure you’re investing in something that’s going to WORK for you. And I have felt the same way about courses I’ve purchased too. Here’s what I’ve had to realize. Your return of investment into this course depends on your commitment and level of determination. What you put in is what you’re going to get back. What I can tell you is that I am committed to supporting you in every way that I possibly can. I want to see you making your dreams come true, but you have to be the one to show up to receive the support and guidance. We’re here to help you succeed. I want you be basking in the reality you thought could only be possible in your dreams. So the question really is, are you ready to commit to creating a new reality for yourself?

When does the course start and will you be offering it again?

Our first live call will be on Sunday, 6/2/24. And yes! Activate Your Soul will be available again towards the end of 2024. As of now, the next date for this program offering has not been confirmed.  


Who Made this Course?

Headshot of Amickoleh sitting on a chair smiling.

Hi, I’m Amickoleh!

I’m an intuitive guide, energy healer, and community facilitator. As well as a singer/songwriter and photographer. Five years ago, I began a journey of meditation and energy healing after going through a profound spiritual awakening.

That awakening created a deep desire within me to live a more authentic and  purpose-driven life. 

Up until that point, I hadn’t realized how long I had been just going through the motions of life. I had forgotten that I desired to be more of myself and to speak my truth.

What I learned along the way is, you don’t just wake up one day and suddenly become ‘authentic’. It was a part of myself I had to really connect to emotionally and energetically. 

Over the years I have learned that our emotions are deeply connected to our reality.

As a kid, I hid from my emotions. I thought being vulnerable was the absolute WORST thing in the world. I learned to have an ultra thick skin. I laughed at the jokes people made at me because I refused to let anyone see me crack, cry, or get upset.

I now know that everything in this physical world carries with it it’s own unique energetic signature.

Our beliefs and the emotions connected to those beliefs are what support or breakdown our energetic health. This is how we interact with the world, whether you know it or not.

The power of changing your world, is in the knowing of this truth.

If you’re ready to embody all of who you are as a creative, then welcome home, friend! I hope you’re ready to meet your highest, most beautiful, and rarest Self. 
